assemblies & PE Takeovers

We worked with over 60 schools last year, teaching students how to jump rope as an exciting way to learn about conquering difficult tasks, persisting through failure, and treating others with kindness. Our two main programs are school assemblies and PE Takeovers.



PE Takeovers

It starts with the assembly – a 35-minute show that includes jaw-dropping jump rope skills, audience participation, double dutch, high-energy music, and a motivational message throughout. We focus on the importance of developing a growth mindset, persisting through failure, and being kind to everyone around you. This assembly is perfect for Red Ribbon Week, Yellow Ribbon Week, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, and getting kids excited about exercise!

We then work with students during a PE Takeover, teaching them foundational jump rope skills and fun jump rope games. Each session is centered around a specific lesson from the assembly. With every new skill they learn, students realize that they can improve at any endeavor with practice and patience, and accomplish great things as a team.

Our high-energy jump rope shows are perfect for:

  • National Fitness and Sports Month Assemblies

  • Character Building Assemblies

  • Inspirational Assemblies

  • Kindness Week Assemblies

  • End of the Year Assemblies

  • Anti-Bullying Assemblies

  • Red Ribbon Week Assemblies

  • Yellow Ribbon Week Assemblies

  • State Testing Assemblies

  • Back-to-School Assemblies